Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places


Maria Emilia UNDURRAGA

San Sebastián University, Chile

Research Professor


Chilean, Agronomist, Master's in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and Master's in International Public Policy from Duke University (US). Currently a researcher at the Public Policy Center of the Universidad San Sebastián in charge of the Vínculo Rural program. Former Minister of Agriculture and former National Director of the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (ODEPA) in the same portfolio, where, together with outlining the ministerial strategy, she managed to carry out the National Rural Development Policy (PNDR) and the Sustainability Strategy of the sector agriculture and forestry. These milestones promoted a change of perspective, making visible the gaps and the contribution of rural territories in the development of the country, the importance of collaboration to face complex challenges, the vital role of the food supply chain -which during the different crises that the country has gone through has ensured the food of Chilean families- and the need to move towards a resilient, sustainable activity adapted to climate change. She worked in various rural women's enterprises in the Valparaíso region and led the territorial and indigenous development programs at the National Institute for Agricultural Development (INDAP) between 2010-2014 in support of the Peasant Family Farming in Chile.

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