Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places


Dara Ó MAOILDHIA (Molloy)

Comharchumann Fuinnimh Oileáin Árann Teoranta (CFOAT) Aran Islands Community Energy Cooperative, Ireland



Chairperson of CFOAT since its foundation in 2012. CFOAT is a community owned energy cooperative. Its aim is to steer the energy transition of the 3 Aran Islands (off Galway, Ireland). The coop has 3 main goals: 1) to upgrade homes and other buildings to a high energy efficiency and remove the use of fossil fuels in them; 2) to convert all transport (including boats and planes) to clean sustainable fuels; 3) to generate on the islands, and around its coasts, the sustainable clean energy needed for self-sufficiency and carbon neutrality.

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