Cork County Council, Ireland
Senior Architect/Urban Designer
Giulia graduated as an Architect from Palermo University and has been working for Irish Local Authorities since 2002. She works across a multitude of directorates, bringing focus of design excellence to all components of urban space that will ensure a vibrant future of our cities, towns, and villages, and recently addressed an Oireachtas sub-committee on the subject.
Through proactive engagement with OPW, TII, Irish Water, NTA and recently NCBI, Giulia’s work has proven that an architect led multi-disciplinary design team approach is key to maximise public amenity and community outcomes from all public infrastructure investments, supporting compact growth and more sustainable mix of uses.
Her team-work has resulted in national and international award winning design recognition including the “Clonakilty 400” masterplan, winner of the EU Gubbio prize and most recently the Cobh Urban Design Plan benchmarked in the New EU Bauhaus Architectural Policy.
Giulia is member of the RIAI Urban Design Committee, an active academician with The Academy of Urbanism, and is an advocate for greater architectural leadership in local government planning systems through the role of Town and City Architects.