REGISTER: Public-private Partnership for Responsible Minerals Supply Chains and Communities
Apr 26, 2021 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PMPartner Sessions
Apr 26, 2021 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Partner Sessions
by the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade
With over a decade of formal and informal partnership on responsible supply chain of minerals, tripartite actors are finding additional ways to collaborate, leveraging long-term donor presence and investment, NGO expertise, and private sector interest and funding. In this panel, we will hear examples of evolving public-private models to support responsible minerals supply chains, including the PPA and Congo Power (Google), access to finance (Trust Merchant Bank), mining community projects (Panzi Foundation), and the Responsible Gold Innovation Fund (USAID), followed by an interactive discussion.
We encourage participants to come with examples to share about central characteristics of issues or projects that benefit public-private partnerships and co-funding models. We also seek recommendations about partnerships to benefit upstream supply chains and mining communities, such as where co-investments should be made, where collaboration on policy (reform) is needed, and how development and due diligence efforts can be more coordinated/complementary.
Please register to receive the call-in information by 23 April.
For more information, please see PPA’s website or contact Jennifer Peyser: