2022-03 ARGENTINA - Investigative Techniques for the Cash Economy (Specialty)


Sebastián Casanello

National Judiciary / Poder Judicial de la Nación

Federal Criminal Judge / Juez Penal Federal

Since 2012 he has been a federal criminal judge in the City of Buenos Aires. He is a lawyer -graduated with honors- from the University of Buenos Aires, where he later obtained the degree of specialist in administration of justice. He is academic secretary of the Association of Federal Judges. He has specialized in the investigation and prosecution of organized crime and its international approach. He has a long teaching career in several universities and is currently professor of the subject "Sociology of Judicial Organization" at the Judicial School of the Judicial Council of the Judiciary, and of the course "Crimes against the Administration and Principles of Administrative Criminal Law" at the School of the Corps of State Attorneys.

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Mar 22, 2022
4:15 PM - 6:30 PM

Case Presentation and Discussion

Sebastián Casanello
National Judiciary / Poder Judicial de la Nación
Federal Criminal Judge / Juez Penal Federal