What do we know about the impact of AI on the labour market? Will it further automate jobs and, if so, which ones? Will it improve job quality, or worsen it? And what will AI mean for disparities in the labour market? Will we be able to harness the opportunities that it offers to reduce inequalities or will we instead see inequality rise even further? This session will take stock of what we know about the impact of AI on the labour market and what we might expect to see in the future, including as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.The impact of Al on the labour market
Feb 1st, 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Presented by
Jeremias Adams-Prassl
University of Oxford
Professor of Law at Magdalen College, and Deputy Director of the Institute of European...
Frank M. Fossen
University of Nevada, Reno
Associate Professor of Economics and the Charles N. Mathewson Professor in...
Marie-Christine Fregin
Maastricht University
Research Leader, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market
Jai-Joon Hur
Korea Labor Institute
Emma Nelson