Global Forum on Competition

Dec 05 | 10:30 - 13:00

Session 1. Competition under fire

Room: CC1


The current policy debate criticising the activities of competition authorities is broad and wide ranging from questioning the inadequacy of the consumer welfare standard, to concerns about the current merger control standards. Competition authorities face questions about the effectiveness of their activities and whether competition maybe skewed, favouring large firms to the detriment of smaller ones or certain economic classes of the population over others. Considerations of industrial policy, and public interest objectives, also enter into the debate of whether competition as we know it is still relevant. This session will address the growing scepticism of competition, examining and responding to the broad criticisms which antitrust policy has been subject to in recent times. The panel will also look at the role that competition policy could play when pursuing such broader interests; the enforcement standard that agencies could apply; and, if competition should have any role in promoting industrial policy objectives and reduction of inequalities in modern societies.The session will be led by a panel of experts from different policy areas to debate the question and discuss with delegates in an interactive Q&A format. Documentation:
