OECD Consumer Policy Ministerial Meeting 2024


Steven Willard Stone


Deputy Director Industry and Economy Division


Steven Stone joined UNEP in 2010, in the lead up to the Rio+20 Conference. While at UNEP, Steven has served as Chief of the Economics and Trade Branch, where he directed a team dedicated to furthering the knowledge base, outreach and support to countries on environmental and resource economics as key components of economic, trade and investment policy; and from 2017-2021 as Chief of the Resources and Markets Branch, which brought additional elements of sustainable consumption and production, life cycle analysis, and global flows of material resources via the International Resources Panel. Some of the key flagships he has helped to shape and incubate over time include the Green Economy Initiative, the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership, and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), which will be key for the delivery of the UNEP Medium-Term Strategy. Prior to joining UNEP, Steven worked at the Inter-American Development Bank, serving in a number of capacities from Resource Economist in Washington to Environmental Specialist in the Bank's offices in both Jamaica and Ecuador, to Country Representative in Honduras. Before joining IDB, Steven led field research in Brazil as part of the team at the Instituto do Homen e Meio Ambiente in Belem, Para State, for a number of years as part of his PhD. He has also worked at the World Bank on resource and agricultural economics with Uma Lele (an independent scholar and development economist), among others. Steven earned an MSc and PhD in Resource Economics from Cornell University, following his BA with Honors from Swarthmore College (USA). He has authored and co-authored numerous journal articles and blogs in the field of environmental and resource economics. He is a US and French national and is married with four children.