OECD Consumer Policy Ministerial Meeting 2024


Pablo Bustinduy


Minister of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Agenda 2030


Pablo Bustinduy holds a PhD in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research in New York. His doctoral thesis won the Alfred Schutz Memorial Award in Philosophy and Sociology in 2021. The Minister holds a degree in Political Science and Administration from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and furthered his studies through various scholarships and research programmes in France, where he obtained a Master's degree in History and Political Thought from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, summa cum laude; and in the United States, where he completed his PhD. Since then he has been a researcher and lecturer in Philosophy, International Relations and Social Policy at several American and European universities (including the City College of New York, New York University and the University of Milan). He has also been a visiting professor at Columbia University and a Research Fellow at the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University. Pablo Bustinduy's political profile has always been shaped by a clear internationalist vocation and a fierce defence of a social Europe. These principles have also inspired his academic and research work. Pablo Bustinduy has worked as a researcher in European social policy at the Universitá Statale di Milano and has taught macroeconomic and social policies in the Master's Degree in Public and Social Policies at the Pompeu Fabra University. Pablo Bustinduy is the author of two books: Política y Ficción (Península, January 2024) and Space and Political Universalism (Edinburgh University Press, March 2024). Throughout his career he has translated, prefaced and edited numerous works related to economics, political thought and philosophy.