OECD COP28 Virtual Pavilion


Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz

European University Institute

Professor for Economic Law


Hans-W. Micklitz is a Professor of Economic Law at the European University Institute's Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in Florence, Italy. Prior to this role, he held academic positions at the Berlin School of Business and the University of Bamberg in Germany. With a rich academic background, he has also been a visiting scholar at renowned institutions including the universities of Bologna (Italy), Columbia (USA), Florence (Italy), Helsinki (Finland), Michigan (USA), and Oxford (UK). His achievements include an ERC Grant from 2011 to 2016 focused on European Regulatory Private Law, as well as a Grant from the Academy of Finland from 2017 to 2022, dedicated to the External Dimension of European Private Law. Professor Micklitz's research areas encompass European and transnational private law, compulaw, and legal theory, contributing significantly to the field of law and regulation.

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