OECD COP28 Virtual Pavilion


Francesca Colombo


Head Health Unit, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate


Francesca is Head of the Health Division at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. In this capacity, she leads OECD work on health, which aims at providing internationally comparable data on health and health systems and applying economic analysis to health policies, advising policy makers, stakeholders, and citizens on how to respond to demands for more and better health care and make health systems more resilient and people centred. Major activities of the OECD Health Division cover the response to the COVID-19 crisis and solutions to make health systems more resilient; trends in health spending; measuring of health care outcomes, activities and inputs; health care quality policies; assessing health system efficiency and value for money; health workforce; long-term care systems and ageing; the economics of public health; pharmaceutical policies, new technologies, big data and Artificial Intelligence in health (http://www.oecd.org/health). Ms Colombo is a member of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19, the Advisory Committee of the European Health Forum Gastein, the French government’s Commission des comptes de la santé, and served as co-chair of the WEF Global Future.

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