OECD COP28 Virtual Pavilion


Cassandra Castle




Cassandra Castle is an economic policy analyst with varied experience in global macroeconomic analysis and policy development. As a former Young Associate in the Front Office of the Chief Economist at the OECD, she delivered analyses on structural issues and global crises related to growth and productivity across OECD economies. She is currently serving as an external consultant for the Chief Economist, with her work now focussing on the cross-country impacts of recent crises on labour markets. One of her most recent projects is the Energy Support Measures Tracker, an OECD initiative that catalogued over 800 policy measures across 46 countries. She also co-authored the complementary paper "Aiming Better: Government support for households and firms during the energy crisis", offering policy guidance for improved government support targeting. Before to these roles, Cassandra worked as a policy analyst in Australia's Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, focusing on microeconomic and regulatory reform, and trade dynamics between Southeast Asia and Australia. Concurrently, she is pursuing a master's degree in Analyses et Politiques Économiques at the Paris School of Economics, specialising in labour and environmental economics, in line with her commitment to advancing sustainable policy solutions for the green transition.

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