Replay: Increasing cyber resilience in the private sector: towards smart(er) supervision and enforcement?
Moderator: Rami Efrati, Managing Partner, MSF Partners Innovation AG
- Florentin Blanc, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD
- Lawrence Tay, Director of Regulation Division, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
- Kay Tidten, Senior Policy Officer, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Germany
- Danielle Kriz, Senior Director, Global Policy, Palo Alto Networks
Over the last few years, governments have been increasingly intervening to enhance digital security resilience in the private sector. For instance, in the United States, the government has incentivised the adoption of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Framework, including through public procurement. In the European Union, the NIS Directive requires operators of critical activities to strengthen digital security risk management. In both cases, it can be challenging for governments to assess and ensure the effective adoption and enforcement of their policies. This session will discuss best practices for governments to improve the policy effectiveness, including nurturing multi-stakeholder communities in specific sectors and developing public-private partnerships.