Learning in a changing world: Evidence, innovation and creative thinking in education


Makito Yurita

National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development



Makito is a professor at the National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development (NITS) in Japan. His research areas include (1) critical pedagogy, promoting a social justice approach to teaching; (2) teacher education, empowering teacher agency and professionalism; and (3) teachers’ continuing professional development and learning, developing a system-wide measurement tool to identify teachers' needs, and help teachers advance their ongoing learning and pedagogical growth as professionals, rather than focusing solely on the development of competencies or qualifications. Makito currently serves as an education advisor for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and as a member of the board of directors of the Japanese Society for the Study on Teacher Education, where he is the chief editor of its journal. He earned his Ph.D. in American Studies from Michigan State University.

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