Learning in a changing world: Evidence, innovation and creative thinking in education


Tracey Burns

National Center on Education and the Economy

Chief Research Officer


Tracey Burns is Chief Research Officer at the National Center on Education and the Economy in Washington, DC. Previously she was Chief of Research for the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation at the OECD. She has additionally served as an Expert for UNESCO’s Broadband and Future of Education Commissions and is a member of UNESCO Santiago’s High Level Technical Council for their Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study. Tracey’s most recent publications include The evolution of evidence informed policy and practice: An international perspective (2023), What Schools for the Future? Leadership for Uncertainty (2022); Trends Shaping Education 2022; Back to the Future of Education: Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling (2020); Education in the Digital Age: Happy and Healthy Children (2020). Tracey began her career researching language acquisition in children and newborn infants. She holds a B.A. from McGill University, Canada, and a PhD in experimental psychology from Northeastern University, USA.

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