OECD Forum on Gender Equality

Session 5: Leveraging government tools and data for inclusive global transitions

Jun 11, 2024 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM


This session will delve into the critical role of policies and resource allocations in green and digital transitions and their impact on gender equality. It aims to shed light on innovative and practical tools that governments and organisations can utilise to foster gender-inclusive transitions in both environmental and digital realms. In particular, it will focus on tools such as gender impact assessments, gender budgeting and gender-sensitive public procurement, which are vital in ensuring that both green and digital shifts consider the unique needs and contributions of women and men. Additionally, the session will explore the pivotal role of data in these processes. It will emphasize the need for comprehensive, intersectional data that goes beyond gender disaggregation. This approach is essential for capturing the nuanced experiences of different groups across various social, economic, and cultural contexts, especially in the realms of environmental and technological change. The session will aim to discuss ways to make this data more accessible and relevant to policymakers. By doing so, it will seek to actively bridge the gender divide, ensuring that women are not only participants but also leaders in the green and digital transformations shaping our global future.
