Knowledge Partner Session - Strengthening political integrity against undue influence in public decision-making. Presented by Transparency International
Mar 25, 2025 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PMKnowledge Partner Sessions (Auditorium)
Mar 25, 2025 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Knowledge Partner Sessions (Auditorium)
Undue influence occurs when individuals or groups use illicit methods to influence public decisions in their interest and away from the common good.
The “year of elections” has been a reminder of how opaque money, misuse of public resources, covert foreign interference, undue influence, and the outsized influence of big money remain critical challenges that hinder the ability of democracies to deliver on common good policies. Democracies need to keep adjusting their integrity systems, with stronger checks and standards governing access to as well as the exercise and accountability of power to sustain public trust in governments. Last year’s revision of the OECD Recommendation on Lobbying and Influence is an example of the kind of attunement that modern integrity toolkits require.
But closing all loopholes through which undue and corruptive influence enters demands thinking holistically and investing in approaches that take all channels of influence into account. This panel is an invitation to reflect on how to build such approaches.
Transparency International will kickstart the discussion presenting new research on political finance in the UK and the ambitious new Global Standards on Integrity in Political Finance.
Following the introduction from Transparency International, a representative from France’s High Authority on Transparency in Public Life will present their holistic approach to countering undue influence, followed by a member of the OECD Working Party on Public Integrity and Anti-Corruption who will discuss the role of the OECD in promoting standards and tools to strengthen political integrity across its member states.
Finally, a representative from a public affairs company will shed light on the role of the private sector in upholding integrity in corporate political engagement.
All panelists will consider the impact of new forms of undue influence on decision-making, new tools to prevent and counter it, and the impact of these tools and regulations on business conduct.
• Jeanne Ollivier – Head of International Partnerships, HATVP France
• Simon Madden – Director of Propriety & Ethics, UK Cabinet Office and OECD PIAC Chair
• Wisahl Jappie – Managing Director and COO, ETHICORE
• Rachel Davies – Director of Advocacy, Transparency International UK