2025 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum

Session 6: From evidence to reform: Use cases of the OECD Public Integrity Indicators

Mar 27, 2025 | 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Main Room


The OECD Public Integrity Indicators (PIIs) measure countries’ resilience to corruption risks. The PIIs provide actionable data on corruption vulnerabilities across the public sector to support decision-makers in strengthening national integrity systems. Drawing on administrative data, instead of public perceptions or expert ratings, the PIIs blend both indicators on the strength of laws and regulations (de jure) and indicators on their implementation in practice (de facto). The PIIs address a need for reliable, actionable evidence to support government stakeholders in their anti-corruption reform efforts. The data can also be employed for private sector organisations’ corruption risk assessment. With datasets downloadable for further research, these indicators benchmark country performance and provide an evidence-based approach to developing and implementing better integrity policies for better lives. This session features users of the OECD PIIs, sharing insights from government and business on how the PIIs can advance reforms, build resilience to risks, and support innovation. The session will also award the winners of the OECD's Anti-Corruption Research Challenge which invited researchers, students and practitioners from diverse regional and disciplinary backgrounds to propose novel insights using the PIIs, create data visualisations and provide actionable evidence for anti-corruption policies across OECD-member countries and non-member economies.

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