Yann Guthmann
Autorité de la concurrence
Chef du service de l'économie numérique
After graduating in 2010 from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (ENSAE), Yann Guthmann headed the Cost and Tariffs unit at Arcep’s Economic Affairs and Foresight Directorate between 2010 and 2016. His work included supervising the modelling of fibre deployment, television broadcasting and the mobile phone service pricing index, and the deployment of Arcep’s geographic information system. He then joined the Autorité de la concurrence as rapporteur (case officer) in the Regulated Professions Unit. He has participated in the investigation of several opinions and decisions related to the regulated legal professions (notaries, court bailiffs, judicial auctioneers and building surveyors) and is certified in computer forensics. As part of his work, he has developed data processing automation tools enabling the Autorité to fulfil its missions involving the regulated professions. At the same time, Yann Guthmann has been a lecturer in specialized masters courses at the University of Montpellier I (2012-2016) and Université Paris-Dauphine (2014-2016) and at the Ecole supérieure d’électricité (2018/2021-2022). His lectures focused on the regulation and economics of digital networks. Seconded to the Autorité de la concurrence de la Nouvelle-Calédonie since 2019, he has worked on various litigation files, requests for opinions and merger control operations. Since September 2020, he is Head of Digital Economy Unit at the Autorité de la concurrence. He has supervised the Autorité’s cloud (2023 – 23-A-08) and generative AI (2024 – 24-A-05) opinions. He is also the co-author of “Deploying Network Analysis in Antitrust Law” published in the Stanford Computational Antitrust vol III.