2025 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum


Sharon Harvey

United Kingdom

Head of Counter Terrorist Finance Policy, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office


Sharon Harvey is the Head of Counter Terrorist Finance Policy in the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. She is also the co-chair of the UK’s Tri-Sector Group which brings together government departments and regulators, NGOs, and financial institutions to address the challenges of delivering aid in high-risk jurisdictions. Sharon has worked extensively in conflict-affected and fragile states in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, designing and implementing policies and programmes focused on counter terrorist finance, countering violent extremism, conflict and stabilisation, humanitarian assistance, and economic development. At the Department for International Development, Sharon led multi-disciplinary teams including in the British Embassy, Afghanistan, and as Head of Lessons in the UK Stabilisation Unit where she was responsible for promoting best practice on conflict and stabilisation across UK government. Prior to joining government, she worked in academia, and with bilaterial aid agencies, NGOs and the private sector. She has also served as an international election observer for the UN.

Ses sessions

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