2025 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum

Side Event - Key challenges in multijurisdictional resolutions

Mar 25, 2025 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Side Events (CC13)


The coordinated resolution of foreign bribery cases by multiple jurisdictions has seen a dramatic increase in the past decade, as illustrated by the Odebrecht, Airbus, and Goldman Sachs cases. Coordinated multijurisdictional resolutions broaden the range of enforcing countries, distribute monies recovered from corrupt actors more equitably among the affected countries, and increase the likelihood that the bribe givers and the corrupt officials alike will be held accountable for their role in the corruption scheme. Focusing on a specific resolution, this panel will explore the requirements to successfully carry out cross-country coordination and address the challenges that it raises.

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