2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


The COVID-19 crisis has exposed companies to increased risks and compliances challenges, and compliance officers are learning to navigate a new operating environment and business landscape. This second session of the OECD Business Integrity Roundtable will provide an opportunity for the private sector, including members of the Trust in Business Network operating in ethics and compliance functions, to discuss what concrete programs, corporate policies, incentives, and collective actions can be developed to promote cultures of integrity for a more resilient future. This session will focus on the practical implementation of these issues and the role of international Organisations, including the OECD, in promoting drivers, incentives, and enforcement of trusted solutions. In the closing segment, Mr. Drago Kos, the Chair of the OECD Working Group on Bribery, will reflect on the business integrity trends and standards, challenges and opportunities for better compliance. He will discuss how the Business Integrity Roundtable can provide a platform for follow-up work led by the OECD and its partners. In 2021, the Global Roundtable will include one global meeting that will include two parts to take place during the OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum. It will also include several thematic and regional round tables that will take place throughout the spring season, as follows: • Global Roundtable on business integrity trends and standards, and on compliance with these standards in the post-covid world, 24 March 2021 • Regional Roundtable: Eastern Europe and Central Asia (12 May TBC), Asia and the Pacific (30 March), Africa (2nd week of April) • Thematic Roundtable: Non-judicial remedies (April) and Incentives for compliance (May)