2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


The adoption and enforcement of national anti-corruption laws, such as the US FCPA, UK Anti-Bribery Act, France’s Sapin II, assisted by the ongoing implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention through monitoring by the OECD Working Group on Bribery, was a key driving force for the rapid growth of anti-corruption compliance systems in companies within OECD member countries and beyond. Some governments also supplemented enforcement by other efforts, such as codifying rules on compliance creating reporting channels and remedies, as well as administrative reforms to simplify interactions with officials. Business integrity standards are evolving rapidly as a part of broader standards on responsible business conduct and beneficial ownership, with some of them becoming mandatory. But many governments around the world have not developed strong enforcement nor provided incentives to business integrity. However, compliance by companies is growing even in those countries in response to market signals, such as calls for due diligence and supply chain responsibility, and the private sector is demanding more integrity from governments. This session will discuss the importance of business integrity standards set by governments, and how the private sector can amplify those efforts. In 2021, the Global Roundtable will include one global meeting that will include two parts to take place during the OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum. It will also include several thematic and regional round tables that will take place throughout the spring season, as follows: • Global Roundtable on business integrity trends and standards, and on compliance with these standards in the post-covid world, 24 March 2021 • Regional Roundtable: Eastern Europe and Central Asia (12 May TBC), Asia and the Pacific (30 March), Africa (2nd week of April) • Thematic Roundtable: Non-judicial remedies (April) and Incentives for compliance (May)