2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Catherine Anderson

Team Leader


Catherine Anderson leads DCD’s work on effective, inclusive and accountable institutions, with a focus on governance, anti-corruption and illicit financial flows. She specialises in economic and public sector governance in developing and transition contexts, and has contributed to the field through several OECD, WBG and academic publications including, â€˜Illicit Financial Flows: The Economy of Illicit Trade in West Africa’ OECD 2018; â€˜Institutions Taking Root: Building Successful Institutions in Challenging Contexts’ World Bank Group, 2014; â€˜Rents to Riches: the Political Economy of Resource Management’ World Bank Group 2012. Before joining the OECD, Catherine worked as Senior Public Sector Specialist with the World Bank Group in the East Asia and African Regions, and with several international development institutions and the private sector. She holds a Masters in Law, Governance and Development (dist.), University of London and Bachelors Degrees in Law and Political Science from Victoria University, New Zealand.