Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros
Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA)
Global CEO
Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros is the elected Global CEO of the world’s leading independent, multi-stakeholder global coalition in the field of sports governance and integrity, the Sport Integrity Global Alliance, otherwise known as SIGA. He is also the Chairman & CEO of SIGA AMERICA, Chairman & CEO of SIGA LATIN AMERICA and Executive Chairman of SIGA EUROPE.
He was first elected as SIGA’s CEO on 31 January 2018, after having spearheaded the inception and coordinated the development of SIGA since November 2015. He was re-elected Global CEO, by unanimity and acclamation, by the SIGA General Assembly on 31 January 2022.
Lawyer by trade, with 30 years of experience, he holds a degree in Law by the prestigious Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and several post-graduations and masters on Sports Law, Sports Business Management and Leading Business Development by the University of Coimbra, Portuguese Catholic University and Harvard Business School.
Over the past three decades, Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros played a leading role in several national and international institutions and sports organisations.