2023 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Damien Romestant

Global Lead Trade Compliance Counsel


Damien Romestant, PhD., graduated from University Montpellier I (France) where he finalized a thesis on International Trade and Globalization, later on publishing a book on the topic. Damien was associate partner of Philip Sidney in Amsterdam and France since 2013. Providing services in Compliance: export controls, AML/CTF, anti-corruption, anti-bribery, CDD, KYC, international sanctions to the private sector. Damien has an extensive international experience (more than 20 years) acquired in working within the Governance sector. Starting with focusing on Justice and Home affairs in Romania during the pre-accession to the EU, Damien led a wide range of international projects on the fight against corruption, the fight against organised crime and the justice reform in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, in Africa and the Middle East. In addition, Damien participated in several National Risk Assessment, addressing the risks on proliferation financing, terrorism financing and economic sanctions. Damien joined a leader in the logistics sector in February 2022 as Global Lead Trade Compliance Counsel. He leads the strategy design and daily implementation of sanction and export control policies.

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