Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

Forum Agenda

Partner-Led Sessions in the agenda may not reflect the views of the OECD.


1 : February 1, 2021
10:00 - 13:00
Manufacturers Network meeting - by invitation only
This Manufacturers Network meeting is open to manufacturers associations. This network was set up in 2019 to provide a safe discussion space for manufacturers to share experiences, build a common understanding of due diligence topics, and bring a shared voice to the broader discussions at the OECD forum.


2 : February 2, 2021
10:00 - 15:30
Roundtable for policy makers on responsible garment & footwear supply chains - by invitation only
This Roundtable is open to policy-makers and inter-governmental organisations.


3 : February 3, 2021
08:00 - 09:20
Partner-led session - Bridging the divide: How knowledge sharing and digital exchange can drive a sustainable recovery in the Asian garment sector
Partners: GIZ and ILO The pandemic has exposed longstanding weaknesses in the garment sector and shown us that if the recovery is going to be both fair and sustainable, new partnerships and forms of collaboration will be required. Solutions to complex challenges don’t always need new knowledge but rather a renewed vision for sharing experiences, models and good practices. This session will discuss examples and opportunities for improved knowledge sharing emerging from the pandemic in Asia. Background note:
MiranAli (BGMEA)AlexandraBehns (GIZ)AthitKong (Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers' Democratic Union (CCAWDU))SimoneLehmann (sequa gGmbH)TracyNilsson (Adidas)DavidWilliams (ILO)
10:00 - 11:30
Opening keynote speeches and plenary – Lessons from COVID-19: dialogue and accountability
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of garment sector value chains with devastating impacts on workers. This opening session will explore the role of social dialogue in jointly prioritising the most significant impacts, and establishing necessary information flows, transparency and accountability. A panel will discuss lessons from this crisis for establishing a new level playing field for due diligence in the sector.
Hoang NgocAnh (Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS))Khaing ZarAung (Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM))SharanBurrow (ITUC-CSI)MariaFlachsbarth (Germany)AllanJorgensen (OECD)MasamichiKono (OECD)MarissaPagnani McGowan (PVH)DanRees (Better Work)MadelaineTuininga (EU)
12:00 - 13:00
Monitoring the uptake and impact of due diligence
This session will provide the opportunity to consider challenges and ways forward in monitoring implementation of the due diligence guidance, drawing from the OECD Feasibility Study on Measuring the Uptake and Impact of Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Supply Chain (launched today). Report available here: Highlights document here:
AndreasEdele (GIZ)TamarHoek (Solidaridad)BenjaminKatz (OECD)AndrewMartin (Sustainable Apparel Coalition)SilviaMera (GoodWeave International)FelicitasWeber (Business & Human Rights Resource Centre)
Partner-led session - Scaling responsible purchasing practices through effective supply chain partnerships
Partners: amfori, Better Buying Institute, Fair Wear Foundation, Ethical Trading Initiative, Partnership for Sustainable Textiles A key lesson from the COVID-19 crisis is that effective collaboration between brands and suppliers are pivotal to protect workers. This session will provide perspectives from the different actors involved so as to identify the roadblocks that prevent strong buyer-supplier partnerships based on Responsible Purchasing Practices; discuss lessons learnt about supplier-buyer relationships during Covid-19 pandemic, with regard to Responsible Purchasing Practices; and promote a shared understanding between different types of buyers, suppliers and other stakeholders engaged in developing partnerships that are aligned with Responsible Purchasing Practices. Background note:
MiranAli (BGMEA)EvelynAstor (International Trade Union Confederation)MarshaDickson (Better Buying Institute)StephanKünz (Blutsgeschwister GmbH)DelmanLee (TAL Apparel Limited)StéphanieLuong (amfori)KathrinRaabe (ALDI SOUTH Group)
13:30 - 14:30
Partner-led session - Getting to Remedy: Negotiating Grievance Mechanisms
Partner: ACT Processes to enable remedy are a core aspect of OECD due diligence guidance. Effective dispute resolution mechanisms are a win-win for workers and employers: they provide avenues to remedy for workers and stability for industry. And yet, grievance or dispute resolution mechanisms are still fairly weak in global value chains. This technical session will look at learnings from two different types of supply chain grievance mechanisms. It will explore how grievance mechanisms can be designed by affected parties and the role of global brands in using joint leverage to monitor outcomes amongst other key questions in reaching OECD effectiveness criteria. Background note:
Khaing ZarAung (Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM))ChristinaHajagos-Clausen (IndustriALL Global Union)ChristopherLand-Kazlauskas (International Labour Organisation (ILO))Fulya PınarÖzcan (Öz İplik İş Sendikası)DeryaUral (H&M)AndreiVasiliev (BESTSELLER)
Decarbonising the garment and footwear sector
OECD and UN Climate Change This session will hear from climate experts and businesses collaborating on a sector-wide roadmap to decarbonisation, exploring its implications for collective and individual company due diligence. Background note:
AbhishekBansal (Arvind Limited)ClaireBergkamp (Textile Exchange)MortenLehmann (Global Fashion Agenda (GFA))AndrewMartin (Sustainable Apparel Coalition)LailaPetrie (2050)NigelTopping (UNFCCC COP26)StephanieVenuti (OECD)EvaVon Alvensleben (The Fashion Pact)SophieWilson (COP26 Climate Champions)LinditaXhaferi-Salihu (UNFCCC)
15:00 - 16:15
Upstream due diligence
This session will take stock of emerging and existing digital tools and approaches to increase transparency on upstream risks linked to key garment commodities, such as cotton, and discuss barriers to scaling solutions and interlinkages
JamesBarsimantov (SupplyShift)GrantCochrane (Oritain)BrianFinnegan (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO))EmilyFranklin (Fashion for Good)PatriciaJurewicz (Responsible Sourcing Network)GediminasMikutis (Haelixa)AmolMishra (CottonConnect)AmyMorgan (Altana AI)LauraRubbo (The Walt Disney Company)FilippoSebastio (ELEVATE)BenVanpeperstraete (Freedom Fund)DanielViederman (Working Capital Innovation Fund)
Partner-led session - Reshaping the textile sector with focus on sustainability
Partners: World Wide Fund and UN Environment Programme This session will showcase examples of actions already implemented to enhance the textile sector’s sustainability during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the measures still needed to ensure long-term ’green recovery’. The session will also highlight major barriers to transforming business practices, and discuss priority next steps - linking actions to the upcoming UNEP roadmap for a sustainable and circular textiles industry and emphasizing the role of due diligence as a key tool for delivery. Background note:
Hoang NgocAnh (Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS))BettinaHeller (UNEP)AlexisMorgan (WWF)MarijkeSchöttmer (Tchibo GmbH)SarahWade (Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS))


4 : February 4, 2021
08:00 - 09:00
OECD session in collaboration with ILO - Weathering uncertainty in global supply chains through responsible business conduct – perspectives from Asia
OECD in collaboration with ILO - Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme This session will be simultaneously translated in Chinese: After clicking play, you can select your desired language by clicking on the "information" button which is on the toolbar at the bottom left corner of the video. As businesses are thinking through ways to enhance their ability to anticipate and respond to shocks and uncertainties, responsible business conduct (RBC) considerations are becoming increasingly central to sourcing and investment decisions. Likewise, policymakers have been stepping up their efforts to integrate internationally recognised RBC principles and standards into recovery measures. In this changing landscape, understanding and implementing RBC and international labour standards is becoming essential to attract quality investment and participate in global supply chains. This session will discuss recent trade and global supply chains developments related to RBC in Asia, and explore how implementing RBC and decent work practices can help businesses in the region manage supply chain risks, build resilience and competitiveness while staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving environment. Background information: Cambodia’s Garment Sector in Transformation - External Shocks, Political Space and Supplier Consolidation, by Dr. Dennis Arnold and published by CNV Internationaal : Amfori’s survey on Maintaining Sustainable Supply Chains During COVID-19 :
DennisArnold (University of Amsterdam)JoyceChau (amfori)ClaireCourteille-Mulder (ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia)AnaNovik (OECD)
10:00 - 11:30
Plenary – Mandatory due diligence legislation design: perspectives from the Garment and Footwear sector
An increasing number of governments are developing legislation making social and environmental supply chain due diligence mandatory. The development of such legislation has gained support and traction across a wide range of stakeholders, including businesses, however there are different perspectives on what such legislation should consist of, and how it can be tailored in a smart way respond to the specific supply chain structures and sector risks of the garment & footwear sector. A panel of diverse voices will explore a number of pivotal issues in the development of effective legislation for the sector. Background note:
BarbaraBijelic (OECD)SomChamnan (Cambodia, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training)MatthijsCrietee (International Apparel Federation (IAF))ChristinaHajagos-Clausen (IndustriALL Global Union)ArunaKashyap (Human Rights Watch)MaijaLaurila (EU)MaríaMorell Camacho (Inditex)
12:00 - 13:00
SME-tailored due diligence
The session will present findings from an OECD paper on SME due diligence (launched today for consultation) and a multi-stakeholder panel will present SME due diligence practices successfully implemented and give their perspective on recent regulatory developments. Read the report: See the highlights: Provide written comments to by 28 February. Forum session background note:
JuliaDel Valle (OECD)PeterHollenstein (ROTAUF)Sohail AliNaqvi (WWF-Pakistan)StephanRaes (OECD)PamelaRavasio (Shirahime)KenichiTomiyoshi (Japan Textile Federation)BrunoVan Steenberghe (KALANI-home)
Partner-led session - Lessons of a pandemic: what is needed to support garment workers and strengthen social protection systems
Partner: Clean Clothes Campaign As the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the livelihoods of millions, social protection systems in garment-producing countries are unable to make up fully for the revenue losses faced by garment workers. In this session, panelists will exchange on the roles and responsibilities of all actors in the strengthening of social protection systems and how novel collaborative financing and governance mechanisms could support their development. Background note:
KalponaAkter (Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS))JosHuber (retired, formerly Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands)ZahidKhemtio (Labour and Human Resource Department Government of Sindh)AndréPicard (International Labour Office)AdilRehman (ASOS)EwaSynowiec (DG Trade – European Commission)InekeZeldenrust (Clean Clothes Campaign)
13:30 - 14:30
Alignment of due diligence initiatives – taking stock of pilot findings and reflecting on implications for government policy
In 2018 the OECD launched a pilot to assess the alignment of industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives in the garment and footwear sector with the OECD Guidance. With three assessments completed and one under way, this session provides an opportunity to take stock and consider how governments can build off these assessments to meet their own policy goals on responsible business conduct. Find the OECD's alignment assessments in the garment & footwear sector here:
JuergenJanssen (Partnership for Sustainable Textiles c/o GIZ)DorothyLovell (OECD)MartinSchäfer (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ))CharlotteScheltus (Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER))LaurenWessel (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)JosephWilde-Ramsing (SOMO and OECD Watch)
Partner-led session - Data for Due Diligence: the data’s already out there - it’s just not well managed
Partners: Open Apparel Registry and Clean Clothes Campaign This session will discuss which data formats are the best to use in sharing data for the purpose of meaningful transparency, risk identification and mitigation as part of a company’s due diligence. Background note:
NatalieGrillon (Open Apparel Registry)JackHardinges (Open Data Institute)PaulRoeland (Clean Clothes Campaign)Martua RajaSiregar (FSB Garteks)AgataSmeets (Gap Inc)JillTucker (Laudes Foundation)
15:00 - 16:00
Due Diligence in the Public Procurement of Garment & Textiles
The OECD report “Integrating Responsible Business Conduct in Public Procurement” finds that many public buyers face challenges in integrating RBC objectives in procurement. As part of an RBC and Public Procurement programme, started in 2020, the OECD will run a pilot to support public buyers in understanding and integrating OECD risk-based due diligence in garment and textiles. Lessons from the OECD Garment sector work with the private sector, unions and civil society will help shape the pilot project. Background note:
JennyÄhlström (The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management)DariaCibrario (Public Services International (PSI))RoseyHurst (Impactt)PauloMagina (OECD)ChristopheRamont (City of Ghent)MauroScalia (EURATEX)IlanVuddamalay (Laudes Foundation)
Responsible garment supply chains - a focus on the LAC region / Cadenas de suministro responsables – Enfoque en la región Latinoamericana
This session will provide an opportunity to have a dynamic discussion on current RBC issues and practices within the region. The new Spanish language version of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear sector will also be launched as part of this session, which will take place in Spanish. Esta sesión brindará la oportunidad de tener un debate dinámico sobre cuestiones y practicas actuales de conducta empresarial responsable en la región. En el marco de esta sesión, también se inaugurará la versión española de la Guía de la OCDE sobre la debida diligencia para las cadenas de suministro responsables en el sector de la confección y el calzado. Esta sesión se desarrollará en español.
EloisaArtuso (Fashion Revolution Brasil)FroukjeBoele (OECD)CatalinaHernandez (Procolombia)EdmundoLima (ABVTEX - Brazilian Fashion Retailers Association)Carlos AlbertoPeña Moreno (C.I HERMECO)