GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?

Shaping technology development through anticipation and governance

Sep 19, 2024 | 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

CC12 - OECD Conference Centre


Emerging technologies, their convergence and potential dual use, carry uncertainties about and risks to privacy, security, equity and human rights. The emergence of generative AI and its sweeping functionality took many by surprise, underscoring the challenges of governing powerful new technology and highlighting the need for anticipation. This double-edged nature of emerging technology requires policies and tools to better anticipate disruptions and enable technology development for economic prosperity, resilience, security and address societal challenges. This session will explore the challenge of how to enhance societal capacities to govern emerging technology well and set up appropriate guardrails to align technological developments with human values. The session will draw on the OECD Framework for the Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies welcomed by ministers at the OECD in April 2024, a resource meant to facilitate deliberation with diverse stakeholders and build deeper capacities to anticipate and shape technological development.

