GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?


Nataliya Kosmyna

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/Media Lab

Research Scientist


Dr. Kosmyna is a research scientist at MIT Media Lab. She has over 15 years of experience in developing and designing end-to-end brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Coming from a background in artificial intelligence, neuroscience and human computer interaction, she is passionate about the idea of creating a partnership between AI and human intelligence, a fusion of the machine with the human brain. Nataliya is a public speaker, author of multiple research papers and reviewer of numerous professional journals and conferences. Dr. Kosmyna often collaborates with teams from Boston Dynamics, Microsoft Research, NASA, Google, Meta. Dr. Kosmyna’s solutions are successfully deployed in the classrooms, workspaces, aerospace and hospitals. These projects are also presented to general public and were tested by more than 15000 people in 2015-2024. Nataliya won multiple awards for her work, among which is L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science award she received in 2016. Nataliya was also named as one of 10 Top French Talent2017 from MIT Innovators Under 35. Dr. Kosmyna is currently serving as one of 24 international experts (Ad Hoc Expert Group - AHEG) for UNESCO to help prepare a first draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology. The final text of the Recommendation will be presented for adoption in November 2025 at the 43rd session of the General Conference. She is also part of the Expert Advisory Group for UNICEF Neurotechnology and Children. Her work was covered in more than 150 TV appearances, radio and other news outlets all around the world.

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