GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?


Souichirou Kozuka

Gakushuin University



Souichirou Kozuka (PhD, Tokyo) is Professor of Law at Gakushuin University, Tokyo. He specialises in commercial law, corporate law, and law and technology. He has taught at Chiba University (Chiba), Sophia University (Tokyo), Keio University (Tokyo) and at Tokyo seminars annually sponsored by Ritsumeikan University and the Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL). Prof. Kozuka has written extensively about law and technology issues in English, including: “The avatar law and (cyber) transnational contracts” in (2024) 28 Uniform Law Review pp.281–292; “A governance framework for the development and use of artificial intelligence: lessons from the comparison of Japanese and European initiatives”, (2019) 24 Uniform Law Review pp.315-329(2019). He has served as chair of the "Study Group on the Utilization of Metaverse toward the Web3 Era" and the "Study Group on Realizing a Safe and Secure Metaverse", both at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan. Prof. Kozuka is correspondent of UNIDROIT (the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law) and Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL).

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