GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?


Sibashisa Dash

Ministry of Science and Technology, India

Scientist D


I am working as a scientist D equivalent to Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the International Cooperation Division, Department of Science and Technology in the Ministry of Science and Technology. Recent engagements for both Bilateral and Multilateral S & T cooperation such as: i) STI cooperation with Japan, Belgium, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia, Russia, Czech Republic and Croatia and ii) STI matters relating to UN, UNESCO and UNCSTD including OECD, STS-Japan, World Health Organization and BRICS STI Cooperation. Previous STI Experience with Germany, Sweden, Austria including Bilateral Centre. I have also worked for the future establishment of Multilateral Megascience Projects like i) Thirty Meter Telescope TMT, USA, ii) Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory- India and iii) Square Kilometre Array, South Africa. Prior to joining the Government, obtained PhD in Physics from University of Milan, Italy and then worked as Lab scientist in Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-IMMT (India), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), National University of Singapore and Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

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