GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?


Karine Rossignol

Smart Immune

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Karine Rossignol has 30 years of experience leading large-scale operations in blue-chip companies and biomedical research institutes. As a Doctor of Pharmacy and a graduate of HEC Business School, she has extensive management experience in both the public and private sectors. Karine describes herself as a pathologically enthusiastic person. She is deeply committed to bringing innovation to patients, having been a patient herself. Before co-founding Smart Immune with Marina Cavazzana and Isabelle André, Karine was the CEO of the French Foundation for Hearing for 3 years, where she implemented an 80 million translational research partnership with Greater Paris Hospitals and Pasteur Institute. Prior to this, she served as the co-secretary general of the Imagine Institute of Genetic Diseases, where she initiated the creation of the institute and led the funding of 180 million in 10 years. Karine also has 15 years of experience at LVMH, L’Oréal, and Chanel where she deepened her international marketing expertise before earning a master’s degree in genetics. She was awarded the French National Order of Merit “chevalier” title in 2014. In 2024, she was nominated in the Forbes “50 over 50” list of honourees and received the Business with Attitude (Madame Figaro & BPI) award. In all her endeavors, even in the face of severe illness, this mother of three has always been inspired by the words of poet René Char: "Impose your chance, hold tight to your happiness, and go toward your risk. Looking your way, they’ll follow.” A short video on Smart Immune's technology can be accessed here:

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