Global Deal Annual High-Level Social Dialogue Forum

Partner Session: ILO - How can social dialogue help to achieve universal social protection?

Oct 13, 2021 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM


This session is organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The role of social dialogue in developing, implementing and evaluating sound social protection policies and sustainable social protection systems cannot be overstated. The Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) highlights the critical role of social dialogue in formulating and implementing social protection (extension) strategies. Social protection policy measures that are developed through effective social dialogue provide more efficient, balanced and durable solutions, including in periods of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. A more recent research brief by the ILO has also shed light on important policy outcomes delivered by peak level social dialogue, including in the area of social protection. The session will provide a short overview of the Resolution and Conclusions concerning social protection, and their framework for action, adopted by the International Labour Conference in June 2021. A panel discussion will present the different perspectives of governments and social partners as well as from an international institution. The panellists will discuss the role that social dialogue can play to extend social protection to all and to develop comprehensive, adequate, sustainable and inclusive social protection systems, that can underpin social and economic stability especially in times of crisis. The members of the panel will highlight a number of national experiences drawn from their day-to-day work and practice and explain under which conditions and how social dialogue and tripartite cooperation can work effectively and deliver sustainable outcomes in the area of social protection. Interpretation in English, French and Spanish is available for this session.

Session Speakers

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Full description of the ILO session on social dialogue and universal social protection.