2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy


Adea Pirdeni


Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption


Adea Pirdeni, Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption Adea Pirdeni was born in Tirana on October 1, 1983, and as of January 2024, serves as the Minister of State of Albania for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption. Prior to this, from September 2020, she held the position of Deputy Minister of Justice, dealing mainly with matters of European integration as part of the Negotiating Group for the Republic of Albania's accession to the EU for Chapter 23 on "Judiciary & Human Rights," anti-corruption, and the strategic framework in the field of justice. A law graduate with a Master's degree in Public Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tirana, in 2014 she earned the title of Magister Juris (MJur) with High Distinctions from the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford. Since 2016, she holds a Ph.D. in Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tirana. Since 2008, Ms. Pirdeni has been a full-time lecturer at this Faculty teaching in the academic disciplines of Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, EU Law, and Administrative Law. Her main research areas include constitutional aspects of good governance and human rights, European integration, as well as the Justice Reform in Albania, for the drafting and implementation of which she has contributed as an Expert in the Technical Secretariat of the High-Level Expert Group. Ms. Pirdeni has a long and extensive experience as an external trainer at the School of Magistrates, the School of Advocacy of Albania and the Albanian School of Public Administration. She has also served as a legal expert on numerous projects implemented by local and international partners, focusing on assisting the improvement of the institutional performance of public administration, the fight against corruption in Albania and the Western Balkans region, the approximation of Albanian legislation with Chapter 23 of the EU Acquis in the frame of Albania’s European integration path, and monitoring the implementation of the Justice Reform. From January 2024, Ms. Pirdeni serves as Minister of State for Public Administration and Anticorruption. Ms. Pirdeni is proficient in English, French, German, and Italian.

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