Cette biographie a été fournie par le membre lors de sa dernière participation à une réunion du Réseau parlementaire mondial de l'OCDE. L'OCDE n'est pas responsable de son contenu.
Patricio Rosas
Chamber of Deputies of Chile
Member of Parliament
He was born in Osorno, on May 6, 1968.
Profession: Surgeon Medical
Political and public career: 2014 - 2017. Regional Health Director of Los RÃos. Ministry of Health. Valdivia.
2014 - 2017. Manager of the Health Care Network of the Los RÃos Region.
2016. Macrozonal coordinator of the Assistance Network from Temuco to Magallanes.
Parliamentary Activity: In the 2017 parliamentary elections, he was elected deputy on the La Fuerza de la MayorÃa list for the Socialist Party of Chile, representing the 24th District, Los RÃos Region.
In November 2021, he was re-elected deputy for the Legislative Period between March 11, 2022 and March 10, 2026, representing district No. 24, Los RÃos Region.
Is member of the Permanent Commissions Mining and Energy; Health; Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development