This biography was provided by the member for his/her last participation in a meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network. The OECD is not liable for its content.
Andro Krstulović Opara
Croatian Parliament
Member of Parliament
Born in Split Croatia on May 22, 1967. History of Arts and Archeology, University of Zagreb
Worked as a diplomat for the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1993 do 2002
Worked at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia 2002-2008
Director of the Ivan Meštrović Museum, Split 2008-2015
Advisor to the President of the Republic of Croatia 2015-2016
Mayor of the City of Split 2017-2021
Member of the Croatian Parliament - 1990-1992, 2016-2017, 2021-2024, since May 2024 Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Member of the Working group for the Coordination of activities related to Croatia's accession to the OECD