OECD Health Ministerial and High-Level Policy Forum

L'avenir de l'innovation en santé centrée sur la personne

Forum politique de haut niveau 
22 janvier 2024 | Paris, France

 Publications Connexes

Healthcare Through Patients' Eyes: The next generation of healthcare performance indicators

For far too long, we have lacked meaningful insights into people’s experiences and outcomes of healthcare. Despite a wealth of global healthcare data, indicators of health system performance have historically focused on inputs and process, rather than on the impact of healthcare on people’s lives and...

Health Foundation: What can the UK learn from health systems in other countries?

NHS and care services have been under huge pressure in recent years across the UK. Understanding how health systems in other high-income countries are managing similar pressures, from ageing societies to the impact of the pandemic, can provide useful context for policymakers.

IA en Santé: Immense potentiel, enormes risques

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 The AI Age is here and here to stay. The OECD has been at the frontier in defining comprehensive policy principles for trustworthy development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with its 2019 Principles. These principles seek to mitigate some of AI’s most significant risks including worker displacement, expanding inequities, breaches of personal privacy and security, and irresponsible use of AI that is inappropriate for the context or may result in harm. The last quarter of 2023 saw several important events and reports designed to drive the safe implementation of AI from the White House Executive Order on the Safe, Secure and...

Collective Action for Responsible AI in Health: OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers

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Artificial intelligence will have profound impacts across health systems, transforming health care, public health, and research. Responsible AI can accelerate efforts toward health systems being more resilient, sustainable, equitable, and person-centred. This paper provides an overview of the background and current state of artificial intelligence in health, perspectives on opportunities, risks, and barriers to success. The paper proposes several areas to be explored for policy makers to advance the future of responsible AI in health that is adaptable to change,...

Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems: How to Finance More Resilient Health Systems When Money Is Tight?

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Finding sufficient funds to pay for more resilient health systems is challenging in the current economic context. COVID-19 has shown the need for additional targeted spending on public health interventions, the digital transformation of health systems, and bolstering the health workforce. Rising incomes, technological innovation and changing demographics put further upward pressure on health spending. This could result in health spending reaching 11.8% of GDP across OECD counties by 2040. This publication explores the policy options to finance more resilient health systems whilst maintaining fiscal sustainability. It finds that the scale of the...

Panorama de la santé 2023: Les indicateurs de l'OCDE

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Le Panorama de la santé fournit un ensemble complet d'indicateurs sur la santé de la population et la performance des systèmes de santé dans les pays membres de l'OCDE et les principales économies émergentes. Ceux-ci portent sur l'état de santé, les facteurs de risque pour la santé, l'accès et la qualité des soins de santé, ainsi que les ressources disponibles pour la santé. L'analyse s'appuie sur les dernières statistiques nationales officielles comparables et d'autres sources. Outre une analyse par indicateur, un chapitre de synthèse fait le point sur les performances comparatives des pays et les grandes tendances. Cette édition met également un accent...

Profils de santé par pays 2023

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The Country Health Profiles are a key element of the European Commission’s State of Health in the EU cycle, a knowledge brokering project developed with financial support from the European Union. Based on a consistent methodology using both quantitative and qualitative data, the Country Health Profiles offer a concise and policy-relevant overview of health and health systems in the EU/European Economic area, highlighting the unique characteristics and challenges in each country. 

Assessing health system performance: Proof of concept for a HSPA dashboard of key indicators

Ready for the Next Crisis? Investing in Health System Resilience

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The COVID-19 pandemic had massive consequences for societies and health systems across the OECD and beyond. Health systems were not resilient enough. Resilient health systems plan and are ready for shocks, such as pandemics, economic crises or the effects of climate change. They are able to minimise the negative consequences of crises, recover as quickly as possible, and adapt to become better performing and more prepared.

Health for the People, by the People: Building People-Centred Health Systems

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Health systems have to meet the changing needs of an increasingly assertive population and an ever more complex health policy context. Digitalisation, population ageing, chronic diseases, new pandemic threats, and evolving expectations of what health services should deliver – and how – have raised questions of whether health systems meet the needs and facilitate engagement of the people. Agreement is widespread that a shift towards more people-centred health systems is needed. But how this is done, and what a more people-centred health system looks like, is far less settled. The OECD Framework and Scorecard for People-Centred Health Systems...

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Telemedicine

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The use of telemedicine was quite limited in most OECD countries before the COVID-19 pandemic, held back by regulatory barriers and hesitancy from patients and providers. In early 2020, as COVID-19 massively disrupted in-person care, governments moved quickly to promote the use of telemedicine. The number of teleconsultations skyrocketed, playing a vital role in maintaining access to care, but only partly offsetting reductions in in-person care. This report provides an overview of the use of telemedicine in OECD countries, describing how governments scaled up remote care during the pandemic and exploring the impact that...

Empowering the health workforce to make the most of the digital revolution 

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Digital technologies offer unique opportunities to strengthen health systems. However, the digital infrastructure only provide the tools, which on their own cannot transform the health systems, but need to be put to productive use by health workers. This report discusses how to engage and empower the health workforce to make the most of the digital revolution. While many health workers already use some digital tools and perceive the benefits that they bring to them and to patients, many also question the value digital technologies produce in health care or complain about technology getting in the way...

Gouvernance des données de santé à l’ère du numérique : Mise en Å“uvre de la Recommandation de l’OCDE sur la gouvernance des données de santé 

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Les données de santé sont essentielles pour des services de santé modernes, la gestion des systèmes de santé, la recherche et l’innovation, et il convient de les gérer avec discernement pour favoriser leur utilisation tout en protégeant la vie privée et la sécurité des données. La Recommandation de l’OCDE de 2016 sur la gouvernance des données de santé propose une feuille de route facilitant l’harmonisation des approches de la gouvernance des données de santé entre les pays.

Health at a Glance Europe 2022: State of Health in the EU Cycle

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This biennial publication presents a set of key indicators of health status, determinants of health, health care resources and activities, quality of care, health expenditure and financing in 35 European countries, including the 28 European Union member states, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. 

Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2022: Measuring Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage 

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This seventh edition of Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators of health status, the determinants of health, health-care resources and utilisation, health-care expenditure and financing, and quality of care across 27 Asia-Pacific countries and territories. It also provides a series of dashboards to compare performance across countries and territories, and a thematic analysis on the health impact of COVID-19. Drawing on a wide range of data sources, it builds on the format used in previous editions of Health at a Glance, and gives readers a better understanding of the factors that affect the health of populations and the performance of...

Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2023

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This second edition of Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean, prepared jointly by OECD and the World Bank, presents a set of key indicators of health status, determinants of health, healthcare resources and utilisation, healthcare expenditure and financing, quality of care, health workforce, and ageing across 33 Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Each of the indicators is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries, and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the...