Philippe Lalieux
Director for Long Term Waste Management
Job title
Director for Long Term Waste Management
Philippe Lalieux is currently Director for Long Term Waste Management within ONDRAF/NIRAS, the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Material. His responsibilities encompass:
the definition of strategies and policies for the long-term management of waste and spent fuel, the RD&D programme regarding geological disposal, including the work carried out in the HADES underground research laboratory, the establishment of waste acceptance criteria, the qualification of waste production and waste characterization equipment,the confirmation of the disposability of waste.
He is also in charge of the international relationships and obligations of the Agency (in particular related to the 2011/70/Euratom Directive).
Since 2016, he is also a member of the Board of the EIG Euridice, which oversees the Belgian underground research laboratory.
Philippe Lalieux has about 35 years professional experience in the field of radioactive waste and spent fuel management both at national and international levels.
From 1995 to 2000, he worked for the Radiation Protection and Waste Management Division for the OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency in Paris.
Philippe Lalieux is the current Chair of the IAEA’s International Radioactive Waste Technical Committee (WATEC) and the Vice-chair of the “Groupe Permanent Déchets” that provides advices to the French Nuclear Safety Authorities for all aspects pertaining to the safety of radioactive waste management. He is the current Co-Chair of the OECD/NEA Expert Group on Building Constructive Dialogues between Regulators and Implementers in Developing Disposal Solutions for Radioactive Waste (RIDD). He is also member of the External Advisory Board of the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (EAB-EURAD). He is the past Chair of the Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste (IGDTP) technological platform that coordinates a large range of organizations active in R&D for geological disposal.
He participated (and still does) as expert in various international peer reviews (e.g. safety case, license application).
He holds a Master in Geological Sciences and a Master in Geophysical Sciences as well as a degree in Radiation Protection.