Stratis Vomvoris
Division Head International Services and Projects
Job title
Division Head International Services and Projects
Mr Stratis Vomvoris holds an undergraduate and MSc degree in Civil Engineering (specialisation in Water Resources and Hydraulics) and a PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
In 1987 Mr Vomvoris joined Nagra leading field tests, doing interpretation and synthesis work for site investigations, and projects at Nagra's URL. He was instrumental in developing Nagra’s Geosynthesis approach and contributing to the reporting for the Crystalline and Wellenberg geologic disposal programs.
Since 2005, Mr Vomvorisis Director of the International Services and Projects Division and a member of the management team.
Mr Vomvoris has been involved in numerous international projects on radioactive waste management, geoscientific characterisation and safety case development in Europe and the Far-East. He has served as a member of various expert missions of IAEA and has represented Nagra in many international collaborative projects. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning Agency since January 2020.