Ulrich Noseck
GRS (Gesellschaft für Anlagen -und Reaktorsicherheit), Germany
Head of Department – Safety Case, Site Selection Department, Deep Geological Disposal Division
Ulrich Noseck holds a PhD in Chemistry awarded by the Institute for Physical and Electro-Chemistry of the University Hannover. He is the Head of the Safety Case Group at the Final Repository Safety Research Division of GRS with more than 20 years experience in projects related to long-term safety assessment and the safety case.
Ulrich Noseck is a member of the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) since 2004 and a member of its core group since 2015. He has been elected and is acting as a co-chair of IGSC since January 2022. He is a bureau member of the Expert Group on Archiving (EGAR) and chairing it’s working group on the Set of Essential Records since 2021.
Since 2011 Ulrich Noseck is a guest lecturer at University of Braunschweig on Radioactivity and Waste Disposal in Deep Geological Formations.