2024 OECD Sustainable Investment Days


Sandra Hanni

International Chamber of Commerce

Global Policy Lead, Trade & Climate


Sandra Hanni is the Global Policy Lead for Trade and Climate at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), based at ICC Headquarters in Paris, France. In her work, Ms Hanni focuses on major global environmental, climate-change and trade-related issues relevant to world business. She leads ICC's policy work on regulatory developments related to trade and climate and is responsible of ICC’s broader climate engagement – particularly on climate/sustainable finance and carbon markets. She also represents ICC in the Preparatory Process for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development. Sandra has been the official UNFCCC Focal Point for Business and Industry and principal interlocutor for business to other international climate change fora for several years– demonstrating private sector leadership and action on climate and providing constructive policy input on high-stake negotiating issues, including climate change mitigation and adaptation, finance, and markets. Over the past years, Ms Hanni has also played a critical role in the development of ICC’s flagship Standards for Sustainable Trade Finance, which are being piloted globally by over 30 leading banks and corporations in high emissions-intensive sectors, including the textile, energy, automotive and agriculture sectors.