2021 Infrastructure and Public Procurement Week


Juliet Namuli Birabwa Haveland

Norwegian Ministry of Culture

Policy Director


Juliet Namuli Birabwa Haveland is Acting Deputy Director General, Section, Legal and International Affairs in the Department for Equality, Non-discrimination and International Affairs at the Ministry of Culture in Norway. The Department employs a broad range of policy instruments, with primary emphasis on the development of legislation and policy, grant schemes and programmes, strategies and action plans, research and development (R&D) and monitoring of subordinate governmental bodies. The department engages in international cooperation in the fields of equality and cultural policy, in forums like the UN, EU, EEA/EFTA, Council of Europe, Nordic Council of Ministers and OECD. The Department's responsibilities include monitoring of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal, the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombudsman and the equality and non-discrimination tasks of the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs. Haveland has worked at the Ministry of Culture since 2019 and a background with more than ten year’s of experience with equality policy issues as a Policy Director at ministerial level, of which one year working at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Prior to working at the Ministry of Culture she worked nine years at the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. Haveland also has ten years of experience as a senior advisor on integration and migration issues from the the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and at the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Juliet has studied law at University of Oslo and the University of Bergen and has specialized in EU Law and International Human Rights. She also holds a post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law from University of Oxford, UK.

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