LAC Ministerial Summit on Governance (LACRP Community)

Ministerial Session 2 - Trust: the cornerstone for building consensus for COVID recovery strategies

Dec 9, 2021 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM


This year’s mantra has been “The vaccine is the only way to get our lives back”. While the vaccine is key, overcoming the impact of the COVID-19 crisis will also require bold and ambitious reforms to enable a strong, inclusive, resilient and green recovery. Only by regaining the public’s trust in institutions can countries build the consensus needed to enable the ambitious economic and social protection reforms that will be needed post- COVID. This session will debate how to effectively enhance trust, while showcasing effective COVID responses and recovery strategies which have enhanced citizens trust in institutions and promoted consensus, that can lead to a renewed, fairer and more durable social contract in the region.


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