OECD Local Skills Week: Future-Proofing Local Skills Systems


Ronald Painter

National Association of Workforce Boards

President and CEO


Mr. Painter assumed his role at NAWB in July of 2009. In his capacity as CEO of NAWB, Painter has traveled the country meeting with State and Local workforce leaders in an effort to identify cutting-edge practices and programs and understand how best to spread innovative trends in human capital development throughout the nation-wide job training system. Ron was the founding CEO of the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board in Pittsburgh, where under his leadership the organization focused on producing labor market research, working with public educators on improved student career information, supporting community leaders in the development of regional benchmarks, and establishing the Regional Workforce Collaborative with a membership of community colleges, WIBs, employers, labor, and economic development professionals. Before joining the Three Rivers Workforce Board, he worked in Washington, DC, first on loan to the U.S. Department of Labor for the Enterprise Project, and then for the National Alliance of Business. Ron is a Board Member of the Committee for Education Funding, Manufacturing Skills Standards’ Council, and is a Patron of Volition Community for the Manchester Cathedral in Manchester, England. Mr. Painter holds an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Grove City College in Pennsylvania and a Master’s in Public Administration and advanced graduate coursework from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, where he served as Adjunct Faculty.

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