Making the most of subnational green budgeting to mobilise private finance to support climate action
Oct 6, 2022 | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Oct 6, 2022 | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Session Description
Regions and cities have a powerful tool at their disposal to use in leveraging private and public climate finance: their budgets. Subnational governments across the OECD are increasingly adopting green budgeting in order to better align their budgets with their climate and environmental objectives and to make better use of their budgets to bridge climate funding and financing gaps. This session will convene representatives of international organisations, national and subnational governments and institutional and private finance practitioners to highlight ongoing collaboration between these actors to leverage public budgets to increase private climate finance, namely green bonds, green loans and other innovative instruments. It will also explore the challenges and opportunities that exist in scaling up this collaboration and disseminating best practices within the OECD and beyond.