11th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment

High-Level Plenary: Reimagining a financial system fit for the 21st century

Oct 15, 2024 | 7:50 AM - 9:00 AM

Conference Room CC15 & Online

Meeting the Paris goals requires a major, transformational shift in global finance flows. Though efforts to this end are underway, and have accelerated in recent years, too much finance is still flowing towards business-as-usual, and not enough towards climate action. Existing efforts of international collaboration to date have been fragmented, and limited to a relatively small number of issues and tools that will not shift the dial. This imbalance can only be redressed through accelerated, sustained, systematic action by governments. This session will explore how policymakers can close this gap, including by developing an overarching vision for a climate-aligned global financial system. It will discuss the fundamental blockages to climate-aligned finance, and the frontier fiscal, regulatory, monetary, and other policy levers that can be deployed to accelerate the shift in finance.

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