11th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment


Carmen Nuzzo

Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) Centre

Professor in Practice and Executive Director


Carmen leads on setting and delivering the strategy of the TPI Centre - part of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science - as well as overseeing its research and operations. The Centre is the academic partner of a global investor initiative, led by asset owners and supported by asset managers. It offers independent, authoritative research and open-access data on corporate, bank and sovereign entities, to assess the progress that they are making in the transition to a low-carbon economy. Prior to joining the TPI Centre in 2023, Carmen was Head of Fixed Income, at the UN-Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), where she was responsible for sovereign, sub-sovereign, securitised products and private debt workstreams, as well as leading on the ESG in credit risk and ratings initiative, a PRI’s flagship programme. Since 2014, her primary focus has been on sustainable economics and finance, building on her long-standing experience in economic and market analysis research, starting in 1993 at Salomon Brothers, with subsequent roles at Citigroup, ShareAction and Morgan Stanley.