11th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment


Lucie Pinson

Reclaim Finance

Executive Director


Lucie founded Reclaim Finance in 2020 after several years of campaigning aimed at private financial actors, with the aim of broadening her fight to the entire financial sector and the institutions influencing its practices in order to fully utilize the financial leverage in transforming our economies. A social and environmental justice activist, Lucie began working on finance in 2013 when she joined Friends of the Earth France. She worked there until 2017 before continuing her voluntary commitment, still focusing on financial issues. In 2018, she joined the Sunrise Project as the European coordinator of the Unfriend Coal campaign, now called Insure Our Future, targeting insurers/reinsurers. She managed to persuade the largest French banking and insurance groups to adopt the first sectoral policies excluding entire segments of fossil fuels and contributed to pushing dozens of other financial actors in this direction. She received the Goldman Environmental Prize in November 2020, in recognition of her work on coal, and was listed in 2023 by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people on climate issues. Reuters listed her the same year as one of the 20 most influential women in the field.