11th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment


Carmine Di Noia


Director, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs


Carmine Di Noia is the Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), from 2022. Previously, Carmine was Commissioner of the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) from 2016. He was also alternate member of the Board of IOSCO and the Board of Supervisor at the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), chair of the Committee of Economic and Markets Analysis (CEMA) and of the Post-Trading Standing Committee at ESMA, and vice chair of the Corporate Governance Committee at OECD. Carmine had been Deputy Director General at Assonime, member of the board of the Italian Stock Exchange, chairman of the Policy Committee of EuropeanIssuers and head of the technical secretariat of the Italian Corporate Governance Committee. He was member of various working groups at the European Commission: European Securities Market Expert Group (ESME), Clearing and Settlement Advisory Monitoring Expert Group (CESAME); Forum Group on Auditors Liability; Securities Expert Group on FSAP. Carmine is a Full Professor of Financial Markets and Banking at the Business School of Luiss University in Rome. Carmine holds a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania and a Doctorate in Economic Theory and Institutions at Tor Vergata University.

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