Christine Kaufmann
OECD Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct
Ms. Kaufmann is an international expert on responsible business conduct (RBC) having worked for over 20 years in different roles with business, governments, inter-governmental and civil society organisations. As professor of International, Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Zurich and founder of its Centre of Human Rights Studies, Ms. Kaufmann is a leading academic in Business and Human Rights, with specific expertise in the financial sector, trade law and international investment law. She also has in-depth experience with the OECD’s unique network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Responsible Business Conduct, and has served as co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the Swiss NCP. Through her expertise in moderating multi-stakeholder roundtables, notably on the development of the Swiss RBC action plan, she is highly skilled to foster constructive solutions, which are broadly accepted by all stakeholders.